Book Report: Wicked Witch Spell Book Do Not Touch

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Once upon a time in a kingdom on the outskirts of England there lived a King, Prince Charming and the Queen, Snow White; one day Snow White had been walking in her garden to go get her tomatoes and potatoes to make her husband a stew. When she was in the garden out of the corner of her eye she saw something shiny and glimmering in the deep magical forest. She was always told never to go in there for there is only bad things that come out of that place but she shrugged and thought what could be so bad about looking in there for the object. For when she entered the forest the object that had been glimmering had been a book and It read across the book it said Wicked Witch Spell Book Do Not Touch. Snow White opened the book it had many spells in there but there was one page that had …show more content…

The next day was here and Snow White was up and ready to go on the journey it took her about 3 hours to get there but it was worth the journey. On the tower there was one direction on there and it had said call out Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your beautiful hair so Snow White did, and then a bunch of hair let down and Snow White climbed the tower expecting someone to be up there. When she go there it had been a robot that had threw the hair but when she had looked back to go out the window Rapunzel was right there and she had looked very beautiful and then she had saw the book and then she had asked to have the spell book and she asked for it and Snow White had said no then the hair had came back up and wrapped around her neck and it lifted her off the ground. Snow White had opened the book and said a spell and then Rapunzel had blasted away and poofed into a cloud of smoke and she had never saw her again. Then the queen had got out of the tower and Prince Charming and Snow White had looked through the spell book and found a spell that would give them riches but when they had tried to do the spell it didn’t