The Jumping Frog Summary

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Mark Twain starts off going and asking to publish a book when he goes in he gets rejected, in not a nice way. His journey started in 1867 when he moved to new york from San Francisco. charles h. webb sed that Mark would publish his book "the jumping frog ' '. Charles was a friends of markets in san Francisco. Mark was excited to publish his sketches and would even put all his sketches together. When mark whent to go publish his sketched he went to the building and when he got to the appointment he made to publicate the book, The man said "well, what can I do for you" when mark said he wanted to publish his book the man began to swell and swell then he said look over somewhere and said something like I have loads of books way too many to publish as it is, and I don 't need any more "good morning" and that was what the man said to mark. 21 years later mark and the publisher ment again. the publisher called mark over there and they shook hands and then the publisher said he did something that wasn 't necessary and that he should of taken mark 's book 21 years ago and publish it. Mark told him that it was a good apology and mark had taken his life every year each year more cruel than the last. Them mark gave his book to webb and webb sed he …show more content…

One book is hard to publish and the other was easy to publish. The one that was hard was a success and made lots of money. The one that was easy to publish was plagiarism and the books were stolen and the books were never on store shelves again. the publicator was nice all the time in the plagiarized one, but the other one that was a success was mean at first and it wasn 't till 21 years later he was nice to him. Both authors had an interesting time in there life while writing a book or something to get it out to the public. In the end one became successful in writing books and the other not so much. they both were happy and had good