This paper will cover the “Flight of the Boomerang Employee” and should Liana return to work for Orchis. While practicing the tools, reviewed in “How to Produce a Decision Profile.” The decision-making profile creates a clear picture about how a person decides and how they desire to be supported in their decision-making process. To point out, it can be applied alongside the decision-making agreement to help individuals to have choice and control in their lives.
In this case, it is my opinion is that Liana should work through this process of being a boomerang employee with Orchis systematically which will reduce the likelihood of her overlooking important factors in the decision-making process. According to Bazerman & Moore, (2013, pp. 2-3),
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Aside from the question of work and balancing her life at home. Furthermore, the opportunity that is being presented is full of red flags, and her chances of success seem to be slim. For starters, it is not clear at all that Liana has the level of competence required to be a successful director of product development at Orchis. To say nothing of, her track record at the company while being a lower level employee. Coupled with, leading just one project for sure shows her ability to identify market potential for a product. Still, even with the support of her organization, which she did manage to get for the Vanda prodouct, would she have been able to navigate challenges such as reaching agreements with publishers and launching the final …show more content…
In the proposed role at Orchis, her own creativity would be less important than leading her team. Liana’s leadership experience seems to be minimal. Her ability to influence a skeptical audience is limited at best. That seemed to have been the case, at least, with the Orchis company.
Additionally, in the decision-making process money and a big title not to mention vindication are poor reasons for taking any position. A job should have the right content so that the work itself becomes the main motivator. Liana thinks that she would be dealing with a constant stream of new problems to solve within the team. But, most of her work would entail managing, something neither she nor Gary has been able to do well, and enjoy.
A team should be compromised of the right people. Notably, at Orchis, Liana would be running a questionable team and turning for a boss who himself has not shown great managerial skills. Tom went on to discuss the ineffective director, Gary, in his job too long and then badmouthed him to Liana which were two flawed judgment