Bored By Margaret Atwood Analysis

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The poem Bored, written by Margaret Atwood, is telling us both of lost and how boredom can be a good thing than being out of boredom. Thoughout the poem the author talks about how she was bored in the past and wanted nothing more than to no longer be bored. However, once she escaped her boredom it look as if she wanted to be bored again, almost like there was a downside to her no longer being bored anymore. Another point to be made is that when she tells her story, she is also referring to a man being there during her time of boredom, mostly likely a family member of her’s. Then towards the end the poem seems to give the reader a sense of gloom or sorrow with this statement, “Why do I remember it as sunnier / all the time then, altough …show more content…

After that statement she stated this, “Now I wouldn’t be bored / Now I would know too much / Now I would know,” showing that at the end she regretted her wish to no longer be bored. After the poem showing us how bored she was, the author at the end showed a conflict of no longer being bored. Even though she stated, “I could hardly wait to get / the hell out of there to / anywhere else,” the author shows these signs of regret at the end of the poem once she is no longer getting bored. This development sound odd, but it also give a few possiblities in why the author is now thinking this way. What I believe the case for this is that from the quote, “Why do I remember it as sunnier / all the time then, although it more often / rained, and more birdsong,” shows that even though something may have happened to the author that caused her to escape her boredom that make her wish that it never happened to begin with. As in, the author is remembering these past times of boredom having a more sunnier or happier shine to them when in fact they were mostly the opposite of