The Dawn By Garcia Lorca Analysis

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The Dawn by Garcia Lorca Dawn is poem written by Federico García Lorca. Lorca wrote this poem to his family after he arrived in New York. Lorca writes about his visits in New York and how he felt miserable being there. The Dawn is a poem that talks about an author’s feelings or point of view about the dawn in New York. Garcia Lorca expresses how he felt miserable and empty during dawn in New York because it brought no hope to him. According to the writer, there was no dawn and so no morning and no hope for the day. The title of the poem is all about the diverse aspects of dawn in New York. It talks about the impact of dawn in New York City and how it is also portrayed as it changes from night to day. The title Dawn is thought to be used in order to bring thoughts of forgiveness and new beginning in the mind of the reader. However, after reading the first stanza, it is evident to the reader that, there is oppression in the air. The first stanza reads that, “Dawn in New York has four columns of mire and a hurricane of black pigeons splashing in the putrid waters,” and this is clear to the reader that, the New York Dawn is not a normal dawn and that life in New York is despondent. According to the writer, the dawn does not come with something to smile about. After reading the poem, we realize the writer’s reason for entitling it as such. The writer talks of when daylight begins and what he thinks about the beginning of the day. The hopeless lines of the poem are not describing