
Born A Crime: How Trevor Noah Demonstrates Themes

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Isaac Vondra Mr. Ginal English 10 9 May 2023 How Trevor Noah Demonstrates Themes What themes make up a great story? Themes such as risk and mental toughness are demonstrated by Trevor Noah in his autobiography Born a Crime. These themes play an integral part in Trevor Noah’s life by teaching important lessons. Trevor Noah demonstrates the themes of risk and mental toughness throughout the book by describing the experiences he had during his life in South Africa. The themes Trevor Noah demonstrates tie together to form a larger message. The message he tries to convey is that risk allows a person to form a mental prowess which can allow a person to thrive in adversity. Therefore, this portrays the thought that risk and mental toughness are themes which play important roles in a person's life. To begin, risk allows a person to change and adapt from important experiences they have endured. An example from Trevor Noah, which he wrote in his autobiography, states, “I didn’t know how to do it, all I knew was I wanted it to be perfect, so I waited until we were standing outside McDonald’s. Then I mustered up all of my courage and turned to her” (131). Trevor in this part of the text took a risk in which he was going to kiss a girl he …show more content…

These themes tie together by following a cause and effect relationship. As a person takes a risk and faces adversity they learn new ways to deal with challenges leading to life experiences and a stronger sense of wellbeing. Trevor demonstrates this relationship in a very detailed way by describing his life experiences. These life experiences teach about the various lessons he has learned throughout his life by facing different forms of adversity. The teachings Trevor writes about in his autobiography result from a risk he has taken leading to his sense of mental toughness and his plethora of ways to deal with adversity in his

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