Born A Crime Intersectionality Quotes

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Going around, from playing basketball with the jocks to playing cards with kids, using different skills, and different traits. Intersectionality is a concept similar to how “2 streets cross or come together”(Taryn Crenshaw). This statement describes how 2 seemingly independent parts of your life come together to create who you are. Another way to see intersectionality is by knowing that “you aren’t just a student or. A child. You are both”(Dr.Kimberlé W. Crenshaw), ultimately it is how you use your intersectionality that matters. So, the concept of intersectionality is those different parts of your life linking to create who you are. In Born a Crime, Trevor Noah uses his intersectionality to the best and makes do with what he has. While at first, he found it difficult to fit in due to the “many different groups to choose from he(I) wasn't a natural constituent of any particular one”(Noah, pg 138), his different race and impressive dialect made it hard to fit in. …show more content…

He started to run and buy food for others and make a profit. He would “make so much money that he(I) could buy his(my) lunch using other kids’ money”(Noah, pg 140). He would also find his way into friendships using humor rather than similarities. He understood that “enough though he(I) didn’t belong to one group, he(I) could be a part of any group that was laughing”(Noah, pg 141). Trevor found a second way to use his intersectionality, he used his personality and ability to share jokes and make others laugh to make friends. So, while Trevor may differ in his race and language, he used his hobbies, abilities, and his personality to get the best out of his life and acquire friendships and money. This shows how Trevor used his intersectionality to his advantage and made the best of the