Born A Crime Literary Analysis

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Trevor Noah is a comedian who was born in South Africa under a system of racial segregation known as apartheid. He wrote the book "Born a Crime" to educate the readers on the struggles that South Africans faced while apartheid governed them. More importantly, he shows how strong, and determined his mother was and all the lessons he learned growing up under her care. Trevor also focuses on the troubles he experienced being born a mixed child, which at the time of apartheid was a crime and illegal. He explains how he had to secretly see his dad (who initially wanted nothing to do with him due to it being a crime) and had to pretend that he had a different mother in public so his parents wouldn't get caught. Trevor achieves his goal of educating …show more content…

On the other hand, the rest of the kids had to learn by using songs to memorize the subjects. how having a McDonald's in South Africa was seen as a luxury to black people because they were used to a poor lifestyle. Also, with the introduction of a restaurant chain that South Africans never even dreamed of having access to symbolizes freedom after apartheid and the changes that were being made. Another example is a sentence in page 191 that goes "Trevor, I don't think you understand, you're sitting on a gold mine..." Trevors friend Bongani says that Trevor is sitting on an actual gold mine (when in reality he was just sitting in a chair burning some CD's) to emphasize on how much money he could make if he considered becoming a DJ. Bongani helped him realize his capabilities and gave Trevor a way to finally earn a decent keep and steady