Born A Crime Quotes

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The experiences of being poor anywhere, let alone in Africa, can teach us all kinds of things about ourselves, each other, and the world. There are three quotes of Trevor Noah’s Book, “Born a Crime” that show these lessons through the text and they can educate us about all kinds of things about how to break through adversity. While looking at these quotes, you couldn’t be able to explain what they mean without some thought and that holds true in life: you don’t know someone’s struggles unless you look into it. Although Trevor Noah had his struggles, he definitely looked on the bright side and came out a very wise and good person. Have you ever had your past come bite you from behind? A South African surely has. Just being black or even colored …show more content…

Some people will sit through a social media account with their friends and point at everything wrong with that person when they were just trying to have fun in the first place. However, it’s very easy to be judgemental about something when you aren’t and have never been in that person’s shoes. A quote from the book reads, “It’s easy to be judgemental about a crime when you live in a world wealthy enough to be removed from it. But the hood taught me that everyone has different notions of right and wrong, different definitions of what constitutes crime and what level of crime their willing to participate in.” (Noah 207) Lots of people, especially in poor communities, have participated in stealing something. Regardless of what it is, we don’t know why. That’s the problem. We are so quick to judge people about what they’ve done, but we don’t even know why they did it. Maybe they had a good reason. For example, when someone is stealing food, healthcare products, baby products, etc., they probably need those for a good reason. The reason to live! Many products in those areas of store are required in order to live. So maybe instead of judging someone by what the news or police said they did, maybe wonder why they did it because that’s what