
Boston Courage Quiz

219 Words1 Pages
1. In what year was the Constitution of the US formulated?
a. 1787
b. 1797
c. 1887
d. 1776
2. When did the Boston Tea Party take place?
a. 1773
b. 1768
c. 1775
d. 1771
3. The 1st Continental Congress was held where?
a. Philadelphia
b. Jamestown
c. Richmond
d. Boston
4. Who was the head of the Continental Army?
a. Samuel Adams
b. George Washington
c. John Hancock
d. Thomas Jefferson

5. The document that deemed the colonies the free and independent United States of America was called what?
a. The Freedom Paper
b. Common Sense
c. Bill of Rights
d. Declaration of Independence
6. The last major battle of the Revolutionary War was fought where?
a. Boston
b. Philadelphia
c. Yorktown
d. Charleston
7. The Treaty of what concluded the American
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