
Both Sides Of The Fence By Teresa Bateman

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In the short story “Both Sides of the Fence,” by Teresa Bateman, the main character, Alberto, conveys the theme that you must look on both sides of a fence in order to making decisions through his thoughts, actions, and speech. In this story, Alberto attempts to prevent people in his pueblo from benefiting from his tree that was left for him by his family. As the story progresses, he suspects his neighbor from purloining his apples, but then realizes his wrongdoings and his foolishness. Through his character transitions, Alberto helps reveal the them that he has to consider both sides of the argument in order to put up a proper argument. At the beginning of the story, Alberto is exemplified as extremely conceited and arrogant. This is clearly …show more content…

This starts to propel him toward being accusational and close-minded. This is evident when, “ ‘See here,’ Alberto declared plunking the cake down. ‘This was made with apples from my tree. Juan is guilty of stealing and left proof of it on my doorstep.’ ”(Bateman 1) This quote clearly demonstrates his premature judgements because of the fact that he demands his “justice” from a poor man with no food for stealing his apples from his tree. He fails to consider the fact that Juan took the efforts to bake him a cake, and assumes that he used the cake to exacerbate the fact he stole Alberto’s apples from his yard. Another moment where these traits are clearly exemplified is when, “ ‘A branch of your tree foes over the fence… Surely these apples are from that branch...It doesn't matter…The land and the tree are mine.The apples are mine as well.’ ”(Bateman 1) Alberto’s resistance toward arguments is shown in this excerpt in the way that Alberto wants to keep the tree to himself solely to earn pride, benefit from the tree to its potential, and boast about how he has the best apple tree in the Pueblo. Although Juan has miniscule effects on Alberto’s tree he still fusses about how Juan tries to rob the tree of its apples. In addition, the mayor tries to exaggerate these points, but Alberto sticks to his one and only reason, it is his …show more content…

His perspective changes and he finally apprehends that Juan baked the apple cake to give thanks toward Alberto. Alberto’s foolishness is revealed after Juan gives his joyous speech when, “Alberto felt no taller than an ant.”(Bateman 2) This, with no doubt, displays Alberto’s regret and humiliation. Because Juan starts praising Alberto’s generosity and good heartedness, Alberto begins to receive the full picture and sees what he had been missing. In this quote, after Juan explains the situation, Alberto is regretful that he ever accused Juan and put him down. Another example of this remorse is when, “His arguments dissolved like sugar in water.” (Bateman 2) Because Alberto only prepared one argument for the scenario, Juan dissected it and Alberto’s mind was finally open to other perspectives. Once he sees this, he is humbled and ashamed of his brisk accusations about Juan and the branch over the fence. And finally at the end of the story, Juan offers Alberto to dine with him despite being penniless. As a result, “ ‘If you will allow me to add something to the meal.’ He hurried home, gathered a basket of his finest apples, and carried them to the other side of the fence. “(Bateman 2) This exhibits Alberto’s change of heart because he is willing to offer the apples that he previously isolated from society with Juan. From these quotes and pieces of evidence, it is

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