Bottled Water Persuasive Speech

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Many people believe that bottled water is more preferred because it´s easier to use, it´s easier to get, and because in cases like natural disasters, it can sometimes be the only option for water to stay hydrated. But this is completely misleading, because bottled water is just more of a job for people, and the environment. Which is why bottled water is a deceitful way of getting water, because it cost more, it is causing pollution and toxins that are a safety concern, and most of all, because when you think about it, it is a completely illogical, which is why it should be banned from North Shore Middle and Entrepreneurial school.

Save money
People who have bought plastic water bottles think that they don't cost as much, and …show more content…

This is concerning, because according Gavin Newsom, ¨over one billion plastic water bottles end up in California's landfills each year, to degrade, and leak toxic additives into the ground.¨ He also goes to say that, ¨all of this waste and pollution are generated by a product that by objective standards, is inferior.¨ Additionally, ¨only 14% of single serving plastic water bottles are recycled, that means that 86% of them are wasted.¨ Says Jennifer Glitz, a research director for the container recycling …show more content…

I believe bottled water doesn't make you any more special then the next person, but it seems as if we are tricked into believing that it does make you more special, when really, it doesn't make a difference. In other words, as Elena Conis puts it, Bottled and Tap water come from essentially the same sources: lakes, springs and aquifers.¨ Not only that, but ¨bottled water isn't any safer or purer than what comes out of tap.¨ Quotes Dr. Sarah Janssen, an extensive research scientist from the Natural Resources Defense Council. Why these two things are key to note is that, it directly tells us with extensive research that bottled water not only comes from the same place as tap, but also that bottled isn´t anymore safer or purer than tap, which shows that they are essentially the same thing, which is why we should altogether banned them from our school and use reusable