Bourgeoisie Vs Proletariat

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As Marx and Engels (1848:10) said “The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honored and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into paid wage laborers.” This basically means, the bourgeoisie has stripped away any uniqueness, or characteristic of the proletariat in order for them to live in a uniform manner. This quote is agreeable because capitalism has caused the bourgeoisie and proletariats to transform slowly from their social norms of small- family owned businesses into vast machinery-run businesses. However, the industrializing has caused the bourgeoisie and proletariats to disperse into social classes (lower, middle and upper). The proletariats found themselves in unfortunate situations pertaining to occupation because of the fast-expanding markets, the use of more machinery and the division of classes. As the markets grew, so did the wants and needs of the people. As the bourgeoisie were persistently restructuring and transforming society, small family-owned businesses were no longer succeeding in …show more content…

Those classes can be identified as the lower class, the middle class, and the upper class. The proletariats were basically the lower class, the poor families who worked manual labor for a living. The middle class was the average family, not rich but not poor and the upper class was the bourgeoisie, the rich families who owned were the owners of big businesses. The middle class were fighting to preserve their occupations (shopkeepers, artisans, and peasants). For example, if a family was lower class (proletariats), they were not expected to own property. In order for them to rise up, they need to abolish all their previous ways of making money. In which he refuses to do so, they will continue to sink deeper while society is constantly