Bouvier Des Flandres Research Paper

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BOUVIER DES FLANDRES ORIGIN AND HISTORY It is almost impossible to trace the origin of the Bouvier des Flandres. During the last decade of the nineteenth century a program of selective breeding of the dog’s native to Belgium was begun under the guidance of Professor Adolph Reul, a veterinary surgeon and author of “Les Races de Chiens” (1894). The Bouvier is mentioned, “for the most part, a shepherd dog or a dog that resembles him in general make-up but who is bigger, fiercer, more aggressive and has a bolder look.” The breed almost disappeared during World War I but was reestablished due to the efforts of Captain Barbry and his dog Ch. Nic de Sottegem. Breeding emphasis has always been placed on performance in Europe. The breed has a …show more content…

3, 4, 6b, 8, 10 Clinical signs include muscle weakness and atrophy, exercise intolerance and a paddling gait. Dysphagia and regurgitation are frequently seen with degeneration of the esophageal and pharyngeal muscles. Creatine kinase levels are elevated and there are bizarre discharges on EMG.

The breed has also been listed as being predisposed for umbilical hernias. 4, 8


Epilepsy 4, 8 and deafness 8 have been listed as occurring in the breed. The age of onset of the seizures has been reported as between 6 months to one year of age.


Microphthalmia has been reported in the Bouvier des Flandres. 8 Affected dogs are born with abnormally small eyeballs that are usually associated with other anomalies such as prolapse of the nictitating membrane, corneal opacities and cataracts. Affected dogs are blind or visually impaired.

The Bouvier is at an increased risk for glaucoma due to narrow iridocorneal angles and goniodysgnensis. 3(905), 4, 5, 8, 11 Anomalies of the pectinate ligaments and narrow angles similar to those seen in Basset Hounds and English Cockers have been seen in the Bouvier and may be a contributing factor in glaucoma development. Dogs with untreated glaucoma will become blind due to the buildup of intraocular pressure caused by the inability of intraocular fluid to leave via the iridocorneal

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