Boy In The Striped Pajamas Essay

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The novel representation of “Boy in the striped on the striped pajamas.” I chose to represent the novel with a website. The website is about Auschwitz after Bruno moves to a place called outwith with his family. After reading the novel a bit you can tell that when Bruno says outwith he is, in fact, talking about Auschwitz. Other then the first paragraph this whole novel is about Auschwitz so I decided to make a website about Auschwitz. I made it from a perspective of a German from the time period the concentration camp was still up running. All in all, this website was my attempt to make an unofficial website for Auschwitz. In the novel boy in the striped pajamas, Bruno the main character has moved to a place called out-with. Later on, after little clues and observation, we can say out-with is Auschwitz. Which was a concentration camp, run by the Nazi’s? Bruno moved to Auschwitz because of his dad's job. It is said that Bruno's dad is commandant and the fury has a lot in mind for him. By putting all the …show more content…

My plan was to add 2 videos one of Bruno(Josh) and one of Hitler(Tej). The plan was to make it so we get 2 videos of 2 people saying good things about Auschwitz; most likely about how we can give you a new chance in life. Turing young men into successful and grown men, but I was unable to make this possible. Which also leads us to our next tab called “About us,” in this tab I explained how the camp originally started. For example, “It was established in 1940, the camp was made to hold polish pioneers”. Which leads us to our next tab. “The Führer,” Führer is another name or Adolf Hitler. In addition to that, on this tab, I have talked about who is the Führer and how great he is according to the German people. In the novel itself, there is a word used by Bruno “The Fury.” After you understand the setting of the book u realize he is talking about “The