Book Review Of Night By Elie Wiesel

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The Holocaust was arguably one of the most terrible events to occur in recorded history, an event so terrible, it still affects society today. There are laws and conflicts still in place because of it. Though the Holocaust was such a large and gruesome event, there is still many people who don’t even know of its existence. Therefore, it is such a large and important historical event, that it’s important to teach about it to young audiences, such as high school students. It is, however, challenging to teach an audience like this about a past event, therefore a format that allows there to be a high level of understanding, creates a high level of interest, and has an ease of understanding is important. This is why a book like Night by Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor is perfect for teaching high school students about this topic. …show more content…

This is why the book Night is an important teaching tool and reigns superior to other formats of teaching tools. Night provides a relevant an accurate account of the events that occurred during the Holocaust, as the author, Elie Wiesel, survived multiple labor and slave camps, including Auschwitz, the largest death camp used during the Holocaust. Because of this, the information presented in the story is a straight forward and reputable account of what happened from a primary source. It is especially important for high school students to receive accurate information, as this is the things they will learn, remember, and use to help form their own opinions and