Bp Oil Spill Ethical Analysis

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BP(a multinational oil gas company residing in London) in 2010, caused one of largest maine oil spills in history after an explosion occurred on their oil rig. Eleven people were killed and others besides suffered injuries. Not only did this incident affect human life but it also of course affected natural life. On April 20th a blast of natural gas exploded through a concrete core recently put in in order to seal the well if later use was needed. Once released from the well, the natural gas traveled to the deep rigs riser, igniting and killing eleven workers in the process. Besides the effect it had on the BP company, it was much more disastrous on the environment. During the BP spill it was predicted that over two-hundred millions of oil were pumped into the Gulf for at least eight-seven days, deeming it one of the largest oil spills in American history. Over sixteen-thousand miles of coastline have been affected and while the oil was capped in 2010. Oil still seems to …show more content…

It’s been known to present good ethical manner for the past four decades. Starbucks placed as Fortune Magazine’s fifth most socially responsible company in 2012, and for good reasoning. They enjoy investing in the people and communities they’re working for. Starbucks also sets a goal that all of their products are ethically produced and purchased, every year they get closer to accomplishing this standard they set. The company is always searching for better ways to produce sustainable production for their products. They also have set in place some guidelines for the company as a whole. overlying three important qualities; ensuring environmental leadership, economic accountability, and product quality. Starbucks is also known to support Ethos Water, which provides over a billion people with clean drinking water. This company is being socially responsible because they’re using good ethics to give back to the