Bran Nue Dae: Relationships Bring To Willie's Identity

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‘Bran Nue Dae’ shows the importance that relationships bring to Willie’s identity. Willie’s mum forms Willies identity because Willie’s mum encourages Willie to be a priest. Uncle Tadpole teaches Willie about the history and culture of aborigines. Father Benedictus has a negative impact on Willie’s identity as he learns that he doesn't want to pursue a career as a priest.

Willie's relationship with his mum is very important in forming Willie’s identity. In this relationship, Willie’s mum encouraged Willie to be a priest. Although Willie did not want to be a priest he also wanted to impress his mum and not let her down. Willie did this because he is kind, and this is a quality that their relationship brought to Willie’s identity. Willie’s mum shipped him off to a boarding school for priests and while Willie was there he got really homesick which means he loves home more than anywhere else. Some evidence that Willie loved home was that in the Van he was singing about home which is Broome. When Willie was in Broome he found his mother on the beach. In this scene, there was a long shot to show everyone in Willie’s …show more content…

In this relationship, Willie learns that he does not want to pursue a career as a priest. Father Benedictus is the head of the priest boarding school that Willie’s mum sent him to. At the boarding school, Willie learns to be proud of his aboriginal identity. Some evidence that Willie becomes proud of his aboriginal identity because of Father Benedictus is. The song ‘Nothing I would rather be’ means that Willie is proud of being an aborigine. The composer of ‘Bran Nue Dae’ uses low angles in scenes with Father Benedictus to make him look intimidating, scary and big. The composer wants the audience to feel like Willie is in trouble and needs help. This relationship is a negative impact on Willie’s identity but it is still an important relationship in the