Breastfeeding Self-Evocacy Research

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Research Appraisal of Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Intervention With Primiparous Mothers
Maeghen McCutchen
Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University

“I have neither given nor received help on this assignment, and pledge this work to be my original composition.” Synopsis
In 2011, the Journal of Obestric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing released a study about breastfeeding self-efficiacy with primiparous mothers. This research study’s purpose was to determine the “feasibility, compliance, and acceptability of a newly developed intervention” (McQueen, Dennis, Stremler, & Norman, 2011, p. 36). The sample was gathered in Ontario, Canada where mothers who were deemed adequate for the study were recruited from the …show more content…

The inclusion criterion was an “English speaking, primiparous mother who gave birth to a single healthy, term infant who were planning on breast feeding” (McQueen, et. al., 2011, p. 36).
Were the interventions well defined and consistently delivered? Not Clear • Interventions were well defined because of specific guidelines were used (assessment, breastfeeding goals, self-efficacy intervention, etc…) to create consistency among the group. Interventions were also considered consistent because the same nurse gave the interventions at a precise time.
• However, based off the assessment, a personalized treatment was given to the mother, which interrupts the consistency of the self-efficacy intervention.
Were the groups treated equally other than the difference in interventions? Yes • Both groups were given average inpatient and community care.
• Both groups were also given follow-up calls to gather outcome data.
If no difference was found, was the sample size large enough to detect a difference if one existed? Not Clear • The differences between the control and intervention groups were not statistically significant. However, it was stated that a larger trial could better determine the effect of the