Brently And Louise In The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin

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In “The story of an hour” by Kate Chopin Louise has a very bad heart problem to where if she has a sudden shock, she can die. This heart problem causes Brently to have a harsh relationship with her because he is trying to “protect her”. All Louise wants though is to get out of her house and explore the world, but Brently just simply refuses. While Brently and Louise might still love each other, they have an oppressive marriage, in which many relationships today do not have. Bently never actually abused her or anything, but his oppression to Louise was by taking away her freedom. He refused for her to go outside of the house other than her balcony just so nothing happens to her. Even just a carriage almost running her over could cause a shock, leading her heart fail and then possibly die. The only way she would be able to see the outside world and experience it herself was through Brentlys pictures. For Louise though, it was not enough; it drove her crazy that she could not step foot elsewhere from her house without anybody freaking out. Although, Brently was too harsh on her which made her very rocky and unstable. That is why when she found out that he had died she was …show more content…

At that time, women were not allowed to work so the men would be the boss. Instead, women would be at home raising the kids and cleaning around the house. Although, many of those men took it to their advantage of being in charge, and ended up living in an oppressive relationship. Men thought that they could rule over their wives to do as they were told. While nowadays, marriages are not based on oppression because women are actually allowed to work so either the woman or man can be in charge. There are some relationships where the male would act very harshly with their wives and tell them that they have to what they say or it is the highway, but most marriages are ruled over a combination of both