Brief Essay On Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley is a British novelist, essayist, and poet. He was born in Godalming, United Kingdom on July 26, 1894(Networks) to a well-known family. Aldous was the grandson of T.H. Huxley a biologist, also the third son to Leonard Huxley a popular biographer (Britannica). Huxley’s mother was Julia Arnold Ward Huxley a supervisor at Hillside School she then died in 1908 from cancer; Aldous was fourteen years old. Aldous being the youngest had 2 siblings; the first was Julian Huxley, the second was Trevenen Huxley, whom later on killed himself in 1914. Aldous attended Hillside school in United Kingdom; he then started college at Eaton for biology and there he became blind to keratitis at sixteen and dropped out (Aldous Huxley Biography). He learned brail to make life easier. …show more content…

1918 Huxley worked at Air Ministry. He could not fight in World War I, due to his bad eyesight. He worked on an estate in oxford for an alternative service where he met his first wife a Belgian woman, Maria Nys in 1919(Series). In 1920 Maria gave birth to Matthew Huxley Aldous’s only child. The family then moved to Italy in 1923 and then settled to California in 1940. There he receives treatment that improved is vision. Seven years later Aldous Huxley became a screen writer. Maria died in 1955, a year later he met Laura Archera (Fremantle). The late 1950s Aldous went through a time where he abused psychedelic drugs such as LSD and Mescaline. While taking mescaline he wrote “The Doors of Perception”. Aldous Huxley’s house was burnt and all his papers were destroyed I 1961