Brief History Of Marriage Study Guide

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Summary of Reading:
I have been reading about history of marriage all day and the research of marriage is all about what the Men want, not the women. Men provide a home, food, money or trade and to provide offspring to his family. Women were property that would have to obey their husbands and do what they were told. There were arranged marriage in Asian countries and Europe was more about the right to choose a mate. There was also a comparison of humans and mammals and how much we are the same. The only big difference is being mammals will mate with many but human behaviors has taught to mate with only one after marriage. Most humans I find do not only have one mate. But if your wife couldn’t reproduce you could end the marriage and send her back to her family and married again. Marriage was about making family’s, the one thing that has not changed in history. Marriage is controlled, I see though the government's. There are many benefits of being married. Coontz states, “for centuries, marriage did much of the work that markets …show more content…

Woman have a voice, choices to work or have children. Not have to do all the housework because it is “woman’s work.” Marriage to me is more of a marriage then in the past. Coontz stated, “The turning point that took place in Seventeenth century a distinctive marriage system had taken root in Western Europe, with a combination of features that together not only made it different from marriage anywhere else in the world but also made It a very rapid transformation. Strict divorce laws made it difficult to end a marriage, but this was coupled with more individual freedom to choose or refuse a partner. Personal choice of partners had replaced arranged marriage.” I don’t want to take away the fairytale of “love equals marriage” or “what does love have to do with it”. I did marry for love and it has worked for my family and my husband’s