
Brief Summary Of The Documentary 'Making A Murderer'

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Making a Murderer Summary

Making a Murderer is a Netflix documentary about the investigation and murder trial of a Manitowoc, Wisconsin resident, Steven Avery, and his 16 year old nephew, Brendan Dassey. The first two episodes detail the rape and assault of Wisconsin native Penny Beerntsen, and the unresting attempt of the Manitowoc County Police Department to wrongfully convict Steven Avery of the crime, a wrongful conviction that had absolutely zero evidence, and caused Avery to spend 18 years of a 32 year sentence in prison, before being exonerated by DNA testing on released on 9/11/2003. Avery then filed a $36 million lawsuit against Manitowoc Co. for his wrongful conviction. This lawsuit was settled for $450k in order to pay for lawyers …show more content…

These two officers, Colborn, and Lieutenant James Lenk, both of which were involved in Avery’s rape case, and the Avery lawsuit. These two were at all times supposed to be supervised by CCPD, but were then given an opportunity to make an unsupervised search in Avery’s trailer, where they magically ‘found’ Halbach’s RAV4 key in Avery’s room, laying in plain sight, after many searches had been done in …show more content…

Under closer inspection, the vial inside the box had a puncture in the top of it, the size of a needle, where an officer could have easily taken blood to plant; maybe inside a missing vehicle found but never reported, only moved onto the property of the man you are trying to frame to save you and your department millions of dollars. On top of this, during the march investigation, fragments of burnt bones with some muscle tissue were found in a bonfire pit behind Avery’s trailer; these were tested and found contain Halbach’s DNA. This is where Avery truly begins to look guilty, until more searching finds a few bones in a gravel pit on the Avery property, and a small amount of bones in a rock quarry a few miles away from the Avery property, in a singed pile. Many forensic analysts that specialize in the transfer of bones concluded that the most probable burn site was where the least amount of bones are, the rock quarry, and a majority of the bones would have been moved the site the true murderer would want them to be found, the bonfire pit. This is because the likelihood of moving ALL the bones is unlikely, as a small amount will most likely be missed at the original

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