Brief Summary Of The Movie Glory

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Glory The movie “Glory” tells the story of the transformation of an oppressed people to proud people. The movie glory tells the history of the 54th Massachusetts infantry. It became the first black regiment to fight in the north in the civil war. Black soldiers, northern freeman, and some escaped slaves made up the Regiment. The leader was General Robert Gould Shaw, the son of Boston abolitionists. The men of the 54th regiment proved themselves worthy of the freedom for which they were fighting, and the respect of their fellow white soldiers. Through the eyes of Shaw the movie glory is told . At the beginning of the movie, Shaw is fighting in a battle and manages to survive despite heavy union losses. Horrified by the violence of the war …show more content…

After Matthew Broderick is appointed Colonel, then appoints Cary Elwes as his second-in-command. Together, with the help of Sergeant Major Mulcahy, they train the black men to fight, only to hear the Confederates are planning, executing all black soldiers and white officers commanding them on sight. They go on anyway, and Robert Shaw knows something about his commanding officers that he uses to get them in their first minor battle in South Carolina, one that proves victorious. Shaw volunteers his infantry for the assault on Fort Wagner, a battle held on a small strip of the beach, so little cover, and sure to suffer great loss. Including Shaw, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Thomas, Cary Elwes, about half their force is killed. Becoming a Confederate victory, the others are forced to retreat. All the dead bodies are put into mass graves, including Robert Shaw 's. Despite this, by the end of the American Civil War, more than 180,000 African Americans were in uniform, and ready to fight in the war together hand in hand. This movie was a really powerful movie showing that there is no difference among blacks and whites, and that everyone is the same with a heart that functions, and the power to go to war and fight for their

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