Brief Summary: The Black Legend And The White Legend

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Black Legend and White Legend The Black Legend represents how Columbus, and other conquerors such as the Spanish during that century ruined the Americas by creating fear, and then slaughtering all the natives in order to gain the land. The White legend talks about how the Spanish or anyone who conquered the Americas made it a better place to live in for the colonizers and the Natives. The black legend is important to be noted in history books as they show how ruthless the colonizers were towards the natives, and how they ruined these people in order for us to gain the land that we live on, which is the white legend. Apocalypto has explained certain points on why the Black Legend is the right legend when it comes to explaining the …show more content…

The production of fear is a reason why the Natives of the land were destroyed easily. This could be seen in Apocalypto, where the main character spots the ships that were coming to the island. His reaction towards the new spectacles must of shook his core, such as how he got afraid when the other native talked about being rampaged by the Aztec hunters. Why this is related towards the Black legend is that the Spanish who did come to the Americas spited fear into the natives of the land; and when fear is given, it creates weaker people. Another example of fear bringing down the natives is Hernan Cortes tricking the Aztecs into thinking he was a god. The Aztecs feared this foreign man because their prophesy that depicted a half man and half horse god would come back to the land to judge the people. Cortes easily conquered Tenochtitlan because he used the people's fear to make them weak, and once the Aztecs knew the god was a hoax, it was already too late. Fear creates opportunity to those who create it to siege those who are not ill prepared for their attacks. This is why the black legend is always the best way to show history because it does not sprinkle pixie dust on what actually happened during those times. Even the spread of the foreign diseases was another factor that killed off most of the natives in the …show more content…

The reason is simple: No one wants to talk about a dark past with anyone living in those countries. Except for the natives, but even some would take the white legend and accept it as their truth. Also, there is a huge amount of patriotism that is accepted in the Americas that it would be hard to grasp for the people who have already internalized the “truth” that they have learned about their country. The people are not willing to justify their own truth for the real truth. This is why the black legend will be prominent in history classes as it forces anyone in the class to learn it, and to understand it. Once it is out of schools, however, this possesses to the overall stability of the country, to a degree if talked about publicly. Still, the white and black legend must be understood by everyone in order to fully know how and why the Americas were created. The government created holidays to do such things, to honour those who have taken the land, and to also honour the natives who have lost their land in the process. History always has a consequence and reward for each action, either someone loses something, or wins something. This is another explanation for the white and black