Brief Summary: The Presentation Of Chester White

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Chester White Presentation Summary
The pig was a favorite to the new settlers. The pig didn’t’ need a lot of attention or care, they found food proficiently, and they grew fairly fast. English colonists brought the majority of the pig population to Pennsylvania. As the years went on, new breeds of swine were being bred. It has been recorded that the swine species in their early years were “half wild” and would only weigh a little less than two-hundred pounds. A man by the name of James Jefferies, productive agriculturist and businessman, wanted to continue to improve quality in the hogs, specifically to help with gaining weight. In 1815, Jefferies decided to import a white boar known as the Bedfordshire or Cumberland pig. He bred this boar to white sows and overtime, saw a major improvement in the pig’s temperament and rate of gain. With the pigs’ increasingly positive reputation, many people purchased the offspring and the boar went up for stud. And since all of this started in Chester White County, Pennsylvania, this new breed was named the Chester White County pig later shorten to the Chester White. As they years past, other farmers across the country have making their own descendants of the breed, but the grandfather breed of the Chester White Pig, now is …show more content…

Besides their meat production and temperament, they have many positives traits. The Chester White sows have proven time and time again that they have bigger litters and better milk production, resulting in multiple larger piglets before weaning. And since they have a decent temperament, they are known for their great mothering abilities as well. They have made a great production hog. The average, mature weight for a Chester White ranges 500 to 700 pounds and they are capable of gaining about 1.36 pounds a day. But a negative trait that can be a problem is that they are very prone to sunburns because of their white