British Monarchy Essay

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Several factors contributed to British colonies changing their feelings towards a possible reconciliation with the British monarchy. The relationship between the American colonist and British monarchy had not been a stable one. After years of oppression from the British monarchy, the colonist finally realized they were better off without them. Following the end of the French and Indian war, England 's national debt had more than doubled. "Half of the money collected from hard-pressed British taxpayers went just to pay the interest on this massive debt, and no more revenue could be squeezed from them without risking domestic unrest (pg 92)." "Since the comparatively lightly taxed Americans benefited the most from the war, officials believed …show more content…

Congress however approved the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms the following day. In March 1776, Washington placed the British in an indefensible position in the city of Boston, which led the British to evacuate. "The American forces ' early successes bolstered their confidence even as Britain continued to lose whatever colonial support remained (pg115). " The British navy then attacked and burned down the town of Falmouth Maine in October 1775. Such cruelty outraged even those moderate colonists who held out hope for reconciliation with Britain. King George III rejected the Congress Olive Branch Petition in August 1775 which pushed more colonists toward independence. The final step required for colonist to accept the fact that independence from Britain was necessary came from Thomas Paine. He publicized the Common Sense pamphlet January 1776. This pamphlet made a vigorously argued case for independence. "Until an independence is declared the continent will feel itself like a man who continues putting off some unpleasant business from day to day, yet knows it must be done, hates to set about it, wishes it over, and is continually haunted with the thoughts of its