British Colonization In America Essay

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Soon after the arrival of an Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci in 1499, the Europeans quickly began making maps for their new project. They then began to send travelers to explore the new-found land. The British have had a monumental impact on our culture as we know it, in several ways. Most people would argue that the British were inhumane and forced their beliefs onto others, because they were known for claiming land and taking it as their own with no remorse. To some extent we can thank the British empire for showing what characteristics we do and do not want in the “New World”. The question is, was the British taking over and forcing characteristics on America truly a good thing or was it bad? Since, the beginning of the British settling …show more content…

One common mission the British had when coming to the America was to spread religion. They introduced Christianity the most throughout the land. Sometimes the people weren’t as accepting of the new religion and which the British would then try to force it on them, although this called many disputes. Another influence the European’s had was, they influenced slavery. It was a way to not have to pay for people to do the work or pay little to nothing and keep the majority of the profits to yourself. They also influenced different ways of transportation such as a boat. It doesn’t stop there, they brought new languages. Also, a major item they brought over was guns. Before the native would use bow and arrows or knives they would carve from wood. The European’s were more advanced and brought things such as guns and cannons into the new world which also helped them when fighting the British, to gain their freedom. One of the most impactful influences that the redcoats had was, a schooling system. They introduced schools and the importance for kids to go to school. The importance was to become more and have more instead of accepting their fate which was to work under someone and most of the time it was to work in the