British View Of The American Revolution By Edmund S. Morgan

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The American Revolution was a war that was fought in order to attain our freedom. Our independence, which was gained through blood, sweat and tears, has made The United States an influence to the rest of the world. Edmund S. Morgan is a renowned historian who wrote Birth of the Republic and G.M.Trevelyan is a British historian who wrote A Shortened History of England. In Morgan’s small excerpt, where the American Revolution appears, he speaks of the importance of the war to our country. He bases his discussion on the military aspects of The American Revolution. He also expresses his positive attitude towards the colonist and his negativity towards the British King. Furthermore, Morgan conveys his appreciation towards the French and his admiration for the revolution itself. In the British point of view of the American Revolution, on the contrary, Trevelyan focuses on the economic factors of the revolution, and states his negative conception of the colonist. He also shows his respect for the British King and shared his resentment over the French and the revolution. The times in which these opinions were written, affected their views towards the American Revolution. …show more content…

Morgan focused his discussion of the American Revolution, on the military standpoint. He spoke of the American initiative on wanting to break free from the British. The fact that Americans had ownership of guns and knew how to use them gave them a slight advantage, as well as having a reputation of being able to defend themselves from the French and Indians. Morgan discusses how General Howe, who was a British General, was foolish, not taking advantage of unforeseen opportunities. The Generals foolishness opened doors for the surprise attack, lead by George Washington, which was victorious. The triumph gave colonists hope of a victory over the American Revolution, due to the fact that the British had supremacy, and it also proved that the colonist had the drive to