Brown V Board Of Education Essay

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When listing the most influential moments in America’s past, especially from the Civil Rights Movement era, it is hard to not mention the Brown v. Board of Education ruling. This trial in May of 1954 was the first time it had been deemed unconstitutional to have segregated schools. Although the case technically only affected schools, the effects of this case can be found in many places outside the classroom. The ruling in this case was very influential and motivational to many African Americans. All in all, the Brown v. Board of Education decision was a monumental spark in the Civil Rights Movement that would drastically improve the lives of African Americans. The Brown v. Board hearing inspired many and paved the way for many African Americans …show more content…

Board of Education trial is the proof of the increased social status of African Americans. In particular, this document looks at the increase over the fifty years spanning from 1954 to 2004. Over this half-century, the group as a whole became better educated, lived in better housing situations, became employed in demanding job fields, gained a higher self-confidence, and were without a doubt more respected by their white counterparts. Additionally, blacks have made large contributions to mainstream culture. The Brown decision was easily one of the most beneficial decisions our country has seen in terms of helping African Americans. Before this trial, there was segregation in nearly every aspect of life. Afterward, however, countless African Americans gained the confidence and ability to fight for equal rights in areas not even associated with the classroom. Some people may claim that the Brown decision failed to desegregate the nation. However, they would fail to realize that this trial sparked the Civil Rights Movement that ultimately would lead to desegregation. All in all, this one, single ruling has managed to drastically improve the lives of African Americans in more ways than just desegregating the