Brutal Truth About Success Essay

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The Brutal Truth about success.
It doesn 't matter how many books you read or how many podcasts you listen to or how many Google searches you complete on the internet. You will never be any closer to success if you don 't get out there and try. All the reading, all the listening, all the thoughts you have been thinking are never going to help you get to where you want to be if you do not create an action plan and DO something.
You have to choose to get up and do more for yourself and your life every single day. You have to want to work harder and longer just to feel that you made some kind of a difference in your life.
Let go of the uncertainty and fear, and just do something. You have to trust yourself enough to make something happen. …show more content…

It 's not easy, some days I have no freaking clue what I am doing or what it is that I am suppose to be doing. I just know that as long as I am moving forward, I am building on the knowledge that I already have. I am growing, and by growing, I am succeeding. I am working towards my dreams, and in doing so as long as I never quit, I will achieve everything that I desire.
See that 's the kicker, you will never have more than what you are willing to work towards. You will never have more that what you are willing to do. If you never try you will never succeed. You have to be willing to put yourself out there. To really get real with yourself in a sense that you know, life isn 't going to be handed to me. I have to prove that I am worth the life that I want and as I do this I will begin to bring forth my desires and dreams will begin to come true.
You have to fight for your future, You have to fight for your success, you have to fight for your financial freedom, you have to fight for your education, and you have to fight to win in life.
The brutal and honest truth is.. Life will never give a penny more than what you ask of it. If you arent ' willing to put forth the effort, you will never succeed. You must Work harder than