Bruton Parish In Colonial America

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As Samuel Adams once said during the Revolution, “Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly a right to liberty, and thirdly to property; together with the right to defend themselves in the best manner they can.” During the Revolutionary War, people wanted freedom from the harsh and brutal taxes that Britain was charging them. As they got into the middle of this fight for freedom, they realized that the real cost for freedom was lives. People were dying left and right, as the medical service they required was nowhere to be seen. The Bruton Parish was the answer to that plea. The Bruton Parish displayed incredible importance in the colonial era. It shows crucial historical values and relevance to so …show more content…

It served as a war hospital during both the Revolutionary and the Civil War where the wounded were tended and those who passed were buried. Many famous people, including George Mason, Thomas Jefferson, George Wythe, Patrick Henry, and President George Washington were buried in its magnificent courtyard. In fact, several 17th century graves still lie intact so far down in the ground under the churchyard, that a rule was made later stating that graves can be no more than 4.5 feet into the ground. Though it had recognizable value in this time period, the Bruton Parish is still implausibly relevant …show more content…

The old, rubbished Bruton Parish was refurbished and redesigned to what it is today. So many people that live and work in Colonial Williamsburg attend the Bruton Parish sermons daily, and tourists from all around the world come to see its incomparable historic significance. Likewise to this, the Bruton Parish show an incredulous relationship to the motto "That the future may learn from the past." All in all, the future definitely learned from the past. Even today, the historic Anglican church style of the Bruton Parish is common. Designs, including the steeple bell built in 1761, the beautiful sashed and rosette windows, and the astonishing canopied chair behind the railing for only the highest to sit are used and innovated off of. The breathtaking courtyard 's style in still imported into many cemeteries today, with its lovely flora which fauna love to roam, that so beautifully lays those who lived and loved to rest. The Bruton Parish is an amazing church. The Bruton Parish is truly an inconceivable church. It was an important storehouse for the Revolution. It is a popular tourist attraction. It is the base of so many styles and designs today. People from many differentiated time periods were buried there. The Bruton Parish deserves a uncompelling, fantastic, mind-blowing commemorative coin for