Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

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Chapter 3 Outline: • 3.1 The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism • 3.2 The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth • 3.3 The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth • 3.4 Building the Bay Colony • 3.5 Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth • 3.6 The Rhode Island “Sewer” • 3.7 New England Spreads Out • 3.8 Puritans Versus Indians • 3.9 Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence • 3.10 Andros Promotes the First American Revolution • 3.11 Old Netherlanders at New Netherlanders • 3.12 Friction with English and Swedish Neighbors • 3.13 Dutch Residues in New York • 3.14 Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania • 3.15 Quaker Pennsylvania and Its Neighbors • 3.16 The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies 3.1 The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism Three …show more content…

This new colony instantly became one of the largest and most important trade industries in the New World. Picture: This picture relates to the section by showing how large the Massachusetts Bay Colony actually was. 3.4 Building the Bay Colony Three Facts: 1. Town governments consisted of only men land owners. 2. Religious leaders had a very large influence on the colony 3. Government was supposed to enforce god’s laws. Main Point: After the Bay Colony was established a government was established and followed god’s word. The Puritans had a good life and ate healthy food as well as established a tax system on non-believers. Pictures: This picture relates to this section by showing the Puritans building homes and other essential things to their colony. 3.5 Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth: Three Facts: 1. Anne Hutchinson was banished for heresy 2. Quakers emerged. Quakers were people that went against authority 3. Roger Williams was a extreme separatist and got banned Main Point: In the Bay Colony several different people went against them and they were banished. …show more content…

The Dutch Empire became a strong, powerful and prosperous colony for many years. 2. New Netherland was established for profit with the fur trade industry 3. England was very hostile to their newfound neighboring colony of New Amsterdam Main Point: The Dutch were expanding their empire into America. The Dutch were based on the Hudson River, the Dutch and English were also hostile towards one another. Picture: This picture relates to the section by showing the area that was settled by the Dutch 3.12 Friction with English and Swedish Neighbors Three Facts: 1. Three of the four colonies in New England had chosen to abolish the expanding Dutch Colony 2. Swedish went and colonized on Dutch land and then got overtaken by the Dutch 3. Dutch company-colony shareholders wanted their dividends whether the company had money or not Main Point: With the Dutch colony expanding so much England did not like that and wanted to get rid of the Dutch. The colonist from where New Sweden used to be were taken in by the Dutch Picture: This picture relates to the section by showing the size of the English compared to the Dutch and how they could go to war at any time. 3.13 Dutch Residues in New York: Three Facts: 1. England conquered New