How Did Puritans Influence The Development Of The New England Colonies Dbq

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161076 10학년 양윤석 After a hundred years after Columbus’s momentous landfall, figure of the New world had already been conspicuously transformed. However, north of Mexico, America in 1600 remained largely unexplored and effectively unclaimed by Europeans. England was one of the country which enlarged its power on America during 1600s. Waves of Puritan immigrants arrived in the region of New England, and they started to form a new atmosphere. However, the biggest difference with the Chesapeake region’s inhabitants was that the Puritans didn’t aim primarily for economic benefit or trade. They wanted to create pure, moral Christian society based on moral living. By hard working, integration of religion in politics, and social development of certain lifestyle practices, Puritans had a large influence on the development of the New England colonies from 1630s through the 1660s. Puritans believed in hard work as the pathway of success since they thought they were favored by God to succeed (Doc I). They tried to shun idleness and believed that being lazy is not profitable (Doc C). …show more content…

Religion influenced the government of the Puritans. They believed that they each had their own boundaries or power given by the Lord (Doc H). Puritans wanted the church and government to intertwine and aid one another, creating a stronger bond. In addition, the Puritan’s emphasis on religious conformity and the attainment of land for their model society led them to engage in wars with neighboring Indian tribes. For instance, William Bradford fought with Pequot tribe in the Pequot War, believing that God is the source of their victory and therefore praise him (Doc D). Many tribes were sacrificed as part of the political development of the colony. Eventually, organizing theocratic form of government that enforced moral conformity profoundly influenced New England’s political