
Brutus Strengths

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In William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, one complex character stands out to me, Brutus. Brutus shows many emotions and has many strengths throughout the play. Brutus shows his strength when he takes his friend's life just for the sake of Rome. Him and Cassius make decisions together that benefit only their success, which signifies their interactions with each other. Brutus made major changes in the play when he was the backbone of Caesar's assassination. All together the complex characteristics of Brutus are his display of strengths, weaknesses, and emotions, his significant interaction with others, and how he advances the plot or develops a major theme in the text. Brutus displays many strengths, weaknesses and emotions …show more content…

Although it is hard to tell Brutus’s emotions and whether he loves or hates another, we can infer that Cassius and Brutus were very close. In the play Cassius worries about Brutus after the distance he has kept, he tells Brutus how he loves him and doesn't want him to be sad. “ Brutus, I do observe you now of late. I have not from your eyes that gentleness And show of love as I was won't to have. You bear too stubborn and too strange a hand Over your friend that loves you. (1.2.37-41)” Cassius was very friendly and manipulative to Brutus after his speech, this was only because he wanted Brutus to join in the assassination of Caesar. In the end of the play Cassius and Brutus team up against Octavius and Antony, they both have to make decisions that are life or death. Cassius made some bad settlements that upset Brutus. This caused hardship and stress which created constant arguments, leading their friendship to an end. These interactions that they encountered tell us how stubborn their friendship really …show more content…

“I would not, Cassius, yet I love him well. (1.2.85-89)” Brutus says he will not have Caesar as their king, but he does love him. This is when Cassius uses his wise words to convince to Brutus that killing him would be the best thing. Although he was not alone in the assassination, he played the biggest role of all. The fact that Caesar and Brutus were such good friends, Cassius knew that the people wouldn't suspect anything. Along with the fact that everyone loved Brutus, they would never believe he would do such a thing. This changed the plot after the fact that Rome's leader was dead and the people wanted to know who had this to their

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