Bsbwor501 Unit 1 Assignment

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ARTICLE I. Corporation

Section A. Name and Address. The corporation will be titled “Advanced Computer Repair”. All business shall be done under this name unless otherwise approved by the board of directors. The corporation main office shall be located at 1901 S 10th Street McAllen TX. 78541 as stated in the certificate of formation. The register agent for the company should be Jose Garcia. The Company reserves the right to change its register office, register agent or both at any time by filing with the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, a Statement of Change of Registered office, Register Agent or both. Section B. Purpose. The purpose of the Company shall be to server the Rio Grande Valley area with professional consulting services …show more content…

Time and location of meetings. All meetings of the shareholders, for any purpose, will be held at the Board Room at 1901 S 10th Street McAllen, Texas, 78541 unless otherwise stated in the notice of meeting. The Board of Directors will designate the date and time of meeting. In the absence of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board of Directors will designate the date and time of meeting. Shareholders may join a meeting by means of Conference phone, Videoconference or other means of remote communication that provides a reliable real time two-way communication. If such communication fails, the meeting shall be adjourned and reschedule in accordance to “Article II Section IV – Notice of Meetings “of the company’s …show more content…

– Special Meetings. The majority of the board of directors can request a special meeting for the shareholders. The Chairman of the Board of Directors can call a special meeting within 10 business days after receipt of the written request. The purpose(s) of the proposed meeting will be stated in the form of a written request in which the majority of the board of directs must create. Notice of meeting shall be sent out in accordance with “Article II section E Notice of Meetings procedure” of the company’s Bylaws.

Section D. Quorum. The shareholders, or a representation by proxy, must attend a quorum of the majority of the shares issues at all meetings. If a quorum cannot but sufficiently present, nor sufficiently represented, the stockholders will have the authority to adjourn until a quorum is present in adequate representation. Rescheduling of the meeting shall be done in accordance to Article II Section E Notice of meetings procedure” of the company

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