Bubble Lab Report

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Emma Rosandich
Mahziar Sakiani
Period 1

Bubble Lab Report

Background Research: Bubbles are basically a very thin film of soapy water that is enclosing air that forms a hollow sphere with an iridescent surface. The surface of water in made of hundreds of molecules that stick tightly together because of intermolecular forces and surface tension. Surface tension helps the bubble keep its shape. Soap molecules have two ends- one end that sticks to water, and the other that is repelled by water. Bubbles are round because they are ‘minimal surface structures’, which means that bubbles hold the least possible surface area they can. Out of all the geometric shapes, a sphere has the least surface area.
Bubble soap is mostly made of water, soap, and glycerin. Glycerin is an organic compound, and its common sources are animal fat and vegetable oil. It is a clear, odorless liquid, and has a sweet taste. It is commonly used in soap. Glycerin can make the bubbles last longer and make the soap film more flexible. The molecular formula of glycerin is C3H5(OH)3. It is a chain of three carbon atoms, and each carbon atom is bonded to a hydrogen atom and a hydroxyl group. All three carbon atoms have four total bonds.
Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas present in the atmosphere and is formed during respiration. The molecular formula for carbon dioxide is CO2. It has a carbon atom and bonded with two oxygen atoms. Carbon dioxide is only water soluble when the pressure is maintained.

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