
Bully Definition

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Electoral College Def: group of individuals who elect the president and Vice President. Created by the constitution, in which groups from each state gather to cast their vote. Sig: its purpose is to ensure that all states have representation when it comes to choosing a president. Veto Def: the power granted to the president by the constitution to send a bill back to congress. If each house reaches a ⅔ vote the veto is overridden Sig: the president has the power to reject a bill and make it more difficult for it to be passed because it then has to go through the process again. Impeachment Def: The house can impeach the president for treason, bribery, or other high crimes/misdemeanors. The senate then tries the president. Sig: it is a power …show more content…

Sig: It is unfair because it shows favoritism towards those the president is closest to. Also those that are in the room when the president is making decisions, they have the most influence over the president. bully pulpit Def: The president using his influence and power to guide or incite American citizens. Sig: The president has the power/influence to “bully” people and public officials into following him and siding with his views/policies State of the Union address Def: A report the president gives yearly that is addressed towards congress and the American people. In it the President states the country’s problems and their plans on what to do. Sig: It depicts the nation's condition and gives recommendations on what to do and what programs and policies they plan to enact. coattails Def: People voting for congressional candidates of the same party as the president, because they are in support of the president. Sig: Very few races are won using presidential coattails. The people aren't necessarily voting for the best candidate, they are voting for the candidate that aligns with the party and president they favor. Honeymoon …show more content…

In terms of informal he is allowed to make executive agreements which don't have to be ratified by the senate, he can make executive orders that are essentially the same as laws, except they only last as long as he is in office, he can create and use bureaucracy, he can issue signing statements, and propose legislation. His formal powers include, the power to veto any bill, command the armed forces, he is allowed to pardon, he can make treaties, and he can call congress to be in session. The people that make up the White House Staff are the president’s closest “friends”. He trusts them to give him advice and to keep his secrets. On the other hand, the president picks people to be cabinet members, but they must be approved by the Senate. So unlike the White House Staff, Cabinet members can’t just be anyone, like his closest friends, they must be qualified. An “imperial president” is a term that describes a president who acts in secrecy or without consulting Congress. According to Schlesinger some characteristics that make up and “imperial president” are selective, stubborn and driven. An example of an imperial president would be Lyndon B. Johnson, he bullied/threatened people in order to get his way. For instance, he needed Congress to sign a petition in order to open a debate on prior president, Kennedy’s Civil Rights Bill. Using the logrolling technique he promised Houston Congressmen Thomas, favors in return for his signature

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