
Buried Giant Thesis

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The novel, The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro paints the picture of reality and perception being different for every individual. Throughout the novel, many of the characters don't remember much about their past because of a mystical mist hanging overhead. Within the novel there is a couple that are married, but don't remember what their past times were or how they got to be together in the first place. As the two slowly begin to remember their past, they grow apart and their perception of each other begins to change and now that they see the real person, without the mask on, they begin to not love each other anymore. The author of the book, Kazuo Ishiguro, has written many award winning books in the UK, but his past life wasn't always British, but Japanese. ("Kazuo Ishiguro." Literature) …show more content…

“They need to remember their past, but they are afraid of what those memories might bring them.” (New York Times) New York Times acknowledges the fact the book could be dream like and can affect the couple in the book. As the past is only a matter of a memory that was perceived as being good or bad. In this case the memories were bad making that time in reality fell bad and miserable. If that same memory was a happy one, there would be nothing to worry about in the future. This perception show how each individual can cope a different memory of the same

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