Buster Keaton Research Paper

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Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton were both comedic geniuses that rose to fame at an early age. Both known for their outstanding slapstick comedy films, it is still debated which of the two is the greater comedic genius of his time. While the two shared many similarities, their movie styles differed from one another quite a bit. Their acting, storylines, and on-screen personalities has their own vey distinct styles.
Throughout his acting career, Chaplin experimented with a few different character types. For example he often played women such as his role as the wife in "A Busy Day". However his signature roll was as a lower class misfit member of society struggling to fit in and getting himself into odd situations. Known as his "little tramp" character, the signature was first seen in the film "Kid Auto Races at Venice". This character always appeared in the same costume: a suit jacket a size too small and pants and shoes a few sizes too big for Chaplin. This character made him quite …show more content…

In these films these films he featured his own unique creations like a moving table, moving staircase, and multiple booby traps. Chaplin’s films did not include such intricate mechanical deigns. The props used in his film were always much more simple everyday objects.
These men's individualities set them apart from both one another, and from other actors and directors of their time. Their unique styles allowed them both to become very successful and see each other not as competition but respected and unique members of the same field. Chaplin was best known for his goofy characteristics, facial expressions, and movements, while Keaton was better known for his dangerously funny stunts. It remains to this day a debate whether Keaton or Chaplin was the king of comedy, but one thing is for sure; they are both comedic geniuses that will never be