Butch Cassidy: A Brief Biography Of Robert Leroy Parker

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Robert Leroy Parker, known better as Butch Cassidy, was born in Beaver, Utah on April 13, 1866. Among his 12 other siblings, he was the oldest child in his Mormon family. His first job was in Wyoming as a butcher, hence where “Butch” came from. However, he wanted a better life for himself, so he left home as a teenager to work on some ranches and farms. He eventually met Mike Cassidy, a rancher who was known for stealing cattle and horses. Young Robert “Butch” admired this rancher so much, he used “Cassidy” as a last name for his nickname “Butch”.
Between 1800 and 1887, Butch’s first crime was committed, which was stealing a pair of jeans from a closed store. He left an IOU for the owner because he intended to come back to pay for the jeans.

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