Bystander Effect Research Paper

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In a high school psychology class three girls inducted an experiment on the bystander effect. They started the video by going around school asking students and faculty “Do you think you would help someone who looked passed out on the ground?” Each person asked replied with the same statement “yes.”, but that was not the case. Each girl performed to note the outcomes. Each girl laid as if they passed out in the hallways of their high school, and when the bell rung for class dismissal students would walk and look but no one stopped. Each girl was there until helped. During take one the first girl was on the floor less than a minute when a teacher came to help, in take two a student noticed the girl and looked around maybe thinking is she …show more content…

The teachers were then interviewed and asked why they came to help and the first teacher had stated “I don’t know why a student didn’t stop and help”, but she knew as a teacher that was what she had to do. The second teacher said “there could have been a medical situation; I was going to ask the first question and go from there”. This wasn’t the case in take three, it took more than three and half minutes before the last student/experimenter would get help. No students paid her any mind as she laid silent with her head faced down to the ground. From the other takes the times before getting help was less than the time it took for help on the third take. In take three a teacher came right by the student and looking at her and didn’t help. The video was so disturbing to see how the students reacted they just walked over her, laughed at her for being on the ground. One person said “why is she laying on the ground” humorously and another student said “let’s walk around the dead body”, and there were two students sitting in desks on the side nearly just two inches away from her didn’t even pay any attention while she laid helpless still with no movement in site. Than several seconds later students crowed around to get her help and two administrator’s people came