Bystander Research Paper

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The Holocaust is one of the world's greatest tragedies to ever occur in the existence of all of mankind. Millions of Jews, killed, attacked, assaulted and left to fight a war they could not win by themselves. All while this was happening, millions of bystanders just watched and watched like the crowd at a football game. These bystanders had a chance at stopping the genocide of a whole religion, yet they didn't, why? The fear of being the spark rather than the flame that follows. A bystander is someone who is viewed as a coward and they take this name for As crimes and atrocities in the world occur, there will always be the few who witness it and live on to tell the tale, yet some take no action. When they take no action, we deem …show more content…

"Dictionaries define "bystander" as " a witness to events," "one who is present but not taking part in what is occurring." (Passage 1). A prime example of this is the men and women who witnessed slavery in America when it was home of the brave but not the free. All minorities mainly African-Americans were viewed as the scum and were put up to hard work and a harsh life. All throughout America people watched and continued on without even blinking. Then came the few sparks that ignited this country into a true land of the free. Those few that sparked change, we gave them the honorable titles of "heroes", the rest we gave the demeaning title of "bystander". The few honorable who speak up may not realize it, but they are being given a respectable title. As Abraham Lincoln stated, " To sin by silence when they protest makes cowards of men." We all have an image associated with titles, doctor, scrubs and white lab coat, business man, suit and tie and many more. But for bystanders there is not really an image associated with them, it's their personality, cowardice and passiveness. The WBC is a Baptist Church that goes and protests at military funerals and many people

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