Cache County Argumentative Essay

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The shooting of a Cache County Jail inmate that one Cache official said was an “uncomplicated case” which would only take a couple of weeks to complete is now in its fourth week.

Details are still sparse concerning the Jan. 16 shooting that hospitalized an inmate who was shot will a non-lethal weapon.

“He was not shot with a firearm but I can’t go into a lot of details,” said Lt. Doyle Peck, of the Cache County Sheriff’s Office. “It was a less lethal option, it was not life threatening in any way and he was given medical attention.”

Cache County Sheriff’s Office chief deputy, Matt Bilodeau, said Peck’s two-week estimate was optimistic.

“We still have no report yet and there is no time frame,” said Bilodeau. “The investigation has not concluded.”

The case was handed over to the Davis County …show more content…

Bilodeau said it’s all about transparency.

“When you work with somebody you have certain people you hook up with or go to coffee with and you form friendships,” Bilodeau said. “Any internal investigation creates conflict and friction even if everything was concluded to be fine.”

Bilodeau said having a third party investigate throws any questioning of integrity, motivation and self-protection out the window. Adding that the Cache agency has been calling third parties to investigate long before the protocol was officially implemented.

“In our own agency if something was brought into question we would go to another agency and ask them for resources,” said Bilodeau. “It’s not a brand new practice by any means, all the law did was formalize it.”

Since its formation in December, the Utah Critical Incident Investigative Team has been invoked twice: Once by Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office for an in-custody death of an inmate; and once by the Cache County Sheriff’s