
Cady Stanton's Argumentative Essay: The Fight For Equality

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The Fight for Equality
Women’s Rights has been an issue for a long time, as the Women’s Rights movement first began on July 13th,1848. What is it that makes people truly care about women’s rights? Or any cause for that matter? This is a question that has been frequently asked, and a question that this paper will answer.The Women’s Rights Movement began on a summer day by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and four of her female friends. Stanton made her anger and discontent about the situation known to all the women present, and when Stanton was 52 she gave a powerful speech at the Woman's Suffrage Convention in Washington D.C. Which started in a very powerful way, “ "I urge a sixteenth amendment, because 'manhood suffrage,' or a man's government, is civil, religious, and social disorganization.”
Lack of equality in an workplace can have negative effects on all of the workers. “Most Forms of workplace control take the form of sexual harassment, sexually bribery,and gender based jokes and comments”(Gender and Power) These things make gender a noticeable and outlined part of work relationships for all genders. Pointing out these differences can make co-workers feel insecure and even reluctant to return back to their jobs. These things can exaggerate gender differences, and allow …show more content…

It is a popular belief that feminism is supporting females being over males. This is not the case, in fact almost the complete opposite is true. “Feminism is not the belief that one gender should be raised in power above another.” (McAtamney) Instead feminism is a movement advocating for equality between females,males, and transgenders without discriminating. Equality across the world will help reach a more successful and balanced world. “Countries lose about $92 Billion annually due to failing to educate girls and boys equally.”(International) This is a sizable price to pay for being too obstinate to accept that everyone is

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