
Feminist Definition Essay

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Nowadays, feminism is very popular. Wherever you go, you will see something to remind you about it or you will hear someone speaking about it. There are various Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages for it, in order to spread the message to as many people as possible. With all of this promotion, you would think that an everyday citizen would be able to properly define what feminism really is; sadly this is not the case. I've heard many define this as women fighting for superiority over men, or women hating on men. There has to be a reason why so many people are puzzled with this movement and I've concluded what some of these must be. One thing many do not understand is that a feminist is not the same as a misandrist. For those who are unsure of what a misandrist is, Google defines one as "a person who dislikes, …show more content…

Sadly, for many years, people have been telling others that feminists hate men. This is a statement that one has to ignore when speaking about the topic because some of the citizens in our society or irrational and just believe what they hear. To clarify the topic of feminism, I will define it as the movement of women's rights on topics like politics, social issues, and economic equality. The people involved in this movement are fighting for many things, but they have some main topics that are very important. One important issue is the glass ceiling, and I know you have heard that term before. This refers to the barrier that keeps women and minorities from becoming higher up in ranks, like in corporate jobs. The United States is missing something and that is female business leaders. Right now, according to CNN Money, only 14.2% of the top five leadership jobs in companies are filled by women. Following along with the job topic, women are fighting for equal pay in the work force. The gender pay gap has been

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