
Personal Narrative: Real Feminism With Misandry

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Many confuse feminism with misandry. Real feminism isn't hatred of men. I do consider myself a feminist because I believe in the equality of the sexes. Treating men poorly in a struggle for dominance is wrong, it actually sets real feminism back in my opinion. I usually wear jeans and a tshirt; I keep to myself. I wear very natural looking makeup and hair. I do nothing that would particularly scream look at me, I'm not “asking for it”. Many say they dont believe it happens, but in all honesty I get cat called quite a bit. Some men mean no harm, but there is a reason that this type of communication is unsettling for women. Men get to live in a world generally free of fearing the opposite gender. When I walk alone at night I try to stay alert …show more content…

When a male student goes to a college party, if he gets drunk he doesn't have to worry about his peers taking advantage of him or drugging him. The list goes on. Im not saying that men don't have different sets of social problems that can be equally concerning. I am saying that from personal experience there are some norms that maybe should be addressed. Back to the issue of cat calling… I don't like to feel scared or like someone is asserting their dominance over me by saying “hey sexy, do you need a boyfriend”, then calling me a bitch when I try to politely say “Sorry I'm not interested”. I do not know what they might do next. I try to have grace for people. if someone is trying to pursue a female, they aren't immediately an evil monster. I am aware not all men are scum bags. Some tactics simply don't work, and because of primal instincts in women it actually flags you as a …show more content…

When people are fighting a cause for their own glorification or creating undo strife, they are just as bad as the victims they defend. You have every right to have your personal opinion. I just hope that you also have the ability to view other perspectives than your own experiences. You call feminism a cancer, I wonder if you are only able to see the world from an ethnocentric view point. I hope that one day you will view feminism as an important effort because there are parts of the world that truly need it. There are parts of this world where women are forced to marry their rapist as to not dishonor their families for not being virgins. There are parts of the world that kill their sister for getting raped, and little girls being sold for marriage to dirty old men. There are cultures that believe women should not enjoy the experience of sex so their clitoris is cut off. I understand the circumcision argument, but that is far less severe than what these girls go through. Yes there are things that suck for sure in the western world, but to say feminism is a cancer basically says you do not care about the innocent women that truly suffer adversity on this

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