Statement Of Purpose: Race, Gender, Occupations, And Work

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I have never been one to conform to society’s standards. I don’t necessarily see myself fitting in any mold, but I suppose that is a mold within itself. I am simply a college kid trying to pay for school and make a difference in the world. No one really knows what they want or what they want to spend the rest of their lives doing. I am one of those generic college kids. In terms of my career, coming to college, ultimately the goal is get a job and live a life. I hope to become an electrical engineer and become a project manager then slowly work up from there. The problem with this is men are treated differently in general and heavily populate such a manual work load. Thus, off putting women to join stem careers and producing self-doubt. My goal in life is to be an example to women and prove that they are smart and strong and should not be looked down upon to do as so. Feminism and equality is a very popular …show more content…

Feminism is more than about women, it is about empowerment and equality. It doesn’t seek female dominance or influence rich verses poor, and it doesn’t see race. Radical’s and different viewpoints alter this definition and give feminism a bad reputation. Most of the issues feminism battels is in the work place and organizations. For example, “Women in the U.S. who work full time, year-round are paid only 80 cents for every dollar paid to men — and for women of color, the wage gap is even larger,” (National Women’s Law Center). Many factors effect a wage gap and is not the simplest thing to argue. Having a goal to work in a man’s world is scary and the way women are treated can be extremely unfair, and in some cases life changing. Decisions that seem small can create a domino effect; one woman doing the same things as a man can seem small, but can create a domino

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