Gender Pay Gap Essay

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The gender pay gap is the difference between earnings made by men and earnings by women. The Gender pay gap is generally due to various reasons, such as differences discrimination in hiring process, differences in negotiations for pay, differences in education choices, differences in the jobs men can go compare to women can’t easily go for.

Some factors that cause the gender pay gap:
• Women leave and re-enter the workforce to meet their family and children expectations
• Low pay for some jobs, like childcare due to historical trends that continue
• Lower educational levels of women due to traditions
Discrimination in the hiring process, compensation and promotion at workplace.

Annotated Bibliography
Quast, L. (2015, November 22). The Gender Pay Gap Issue Is Fixable -- But May Require Bolder Actions To Overcome. Retrieved from

It is reported by the Economic Policy Institute that although women had made tremendous records entering into workforce and gain great successes in education, but their wage is 83% comparing to men. The world forum also released a report in 2015 that women now make as much as men earned a decade ago. Globally, Gender pay gap is worse than the U.S., which is 52% of men. Due to the slow progress in pay equity, it is predicted that it will take another 118 years to close global pay equity gap. Even

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