Hydrochloric Acid Lab Report

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CLAIRE MUNTING 29/01/2018 Criterion C EFFECTS OF SURFACE AREA OF CALCIUM CARBONATE UPON RATE OF REACTION Calcium Carbonate Chips 1 Introduction: Within the current investigation, the effects of the surface area of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) in combination with Hydrochloric acid (HCl) upon its rate of reaction. CaCO3, commonly referred to as limestone, is an organic substance and is, in a sense, the crystallised “carbonic salt” of the element, calcium2. In addition to being a salt, the pH level of Calcium Carbonate is 9.91, and it is therefore, a basic substance, due to the fact that it is comprised of a pH level higher than 7, which is neutral3. HCl, however, is the bodily acid found in the stomach of human beings. It is secreted by the oxyntic cells in the gut which are found within the oxyntic glands of the stomach lining. The substance is colourless yet remarkably corrosive, and is therefore able to be the primary digester of food in an individual4. The liquid’s pH level is a highly dangerous, yielding 1, though it may vary slightly due to its molarity (# of molesliters of solution), but nevertheless is deemed a strong acid. When the two are combined, CO2 is released, and so the their rate of reaction may be measured by the pressure of the resulting gas5. Aim